Weekend Wishlist

2. Sleep: Being a full time student I never get any sleep so, when I don't have much to do on the weekends- I SLEEP. Here are my favorite pajamas that I wear to sleep in.
3. Benefit Eyebrow Bar: I went here once in the Dadeland Mall in Miami and loved it. The girl was really experienced and my eyebrows looked fantastic. I usually am not ever in love with my eyebrows right when I get them done but I really liked how they looked.
4. Successful Studying: One can study but it can be pointless because you are on facebook or not really taking in the knowledge. I hope to study this weekend successfully; however, this can't be done without some great school supplies. Here are some of my favorites:
5.Sushi: Sushi is probably one of my favorite foods in the world. I don't get to have it to much in college but, I went last night and it was amazing!! So yummy!!
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