Summer in the Winter

Summer in the Winter

While everyone north of Florida is dying in the cold, I will be laying by the pool on the beach in Miami this weekend.  I hope that didn't make you too jealous or maybe it did.  My weekend excursion got me thinking about which beach bag I will take out or what bathing suit I will don.  I got to thinking that I really wanted a straw bag that wasn't too "spring break" circa the nineties or too fancy.  Of course I (by fate or my on volition) I found this great bag at J.Crew it comes in all brown, stripped, and all black.  The price for being at J.Crew isn't too bad either.  I can't decide between the stripped or natural bag but, I do have the whole semester until summer break to decide.  What types of beach bags do you use?  Have fun in the cold and drink lots of hot cocoa!


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